ACCP Conflict Analysis Framework - A Video Illustration
The Actors, Content, Context, Process (ACCP) Conflict Analysis Framework is a simple and systematic way of understanding conflict for the purpose of peace mediation. The framework provides both a comprehensive conflict overview and a flexible structure with which mediation practitioners can address the dynamic, complex nature of conflicts and mediation processes today.
Internalising this framework – as both a skill and a mindset – will help mediation practitioners design more effective interventions in turbulent contexts.
This video illustration introduces the ACCP Conflict Analysis Framework and provides initial guidance on how it can be used for peace mediation.
The video has two parts:
Part 1: An overview of the framework (2 mins).

Part 2: A teaser on how to use it (6 mins).

The video is accessible also in the following languages:
- For Arabic: external page Part 1 & external page Part 2
- For French: external page Part 1 & external page Part 2
- For German: external page Part 1 & external page Part 2
- For Russian: external page Part 1 & external page Part 2
- For Spanish: external page Part 1 & external page Part 2
The ACCP Video Illustration was developed in the context of the Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes Programme at ETH Zurich in an effort to further professionalise the field of peace mediation.
Here you will find additional resources on conflict analysis for mediation.
The ACCP and various elements of the tool were introduced in the MAS ETH MPP programme by Julian Th. Hottinger (Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) and Christopher W. Moore (CDR Associates and author of The Mediation Process) in October 2017, and have been used by trainers throughout the MAS ETH MPP programme.
The MAS ETH MPP does not claim copyright on this methodology. The origin of the methodology is unknown to the MAS ETH MPP programme but is likely to have multiple sources.
The content for this video was developed by Inbal Ben-Ezer, Eemeli Isoaho and Simon J. A. Mason for MAS ETH MPP with inputs from Julian Th. Hottinger and Georg Stein (from the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs) and from Katrina Abatis, Cora Alder and Owen Frazer (from the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zurich).
The fictional case presented in this film was originally developed by Valerie Sticher, Mediation Support Project (Center for Security Studies ETH Zurich and swisspeace, funded by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs).
The MAS ETH MPP programme would like to thank the following people for their support in the translation process of this video (into Arabic, French, German, Russian and Spanish): Cora Alder, Karine Avanyan, Mariame Camara, Yve Delaquis, Anna Hess Sargsyan, Eemeli Isoaho, Hadia Kawekji, Manar Marouf, Simon J. A. Mason, Fabien Merz, Juanita Millan Hernandez, Lauren Petre Fortune, Samuel Reslinger, Emanuel Schäublin, Georg Stein, Valerie Sticher, and Alessandra Zaugg.
The MAS ETH MPP programme would like to thank Team Tumult, Justine Klaiber and Marwan Adalla Eissa for producing this video.
The MAS ETH MPP programme would like to thank the following entities for their support:
- The Innovedum Fund at ETH Zurich.
- The strategic partners of the Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes: the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs; the German Federal Foreign Office; the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden; and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland.
- Mediation Support Project (a joint venture between Center for Security Studies ETH Zurich and swisspeace, funded by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs).