References and Resource List
References on Conflict Analysis and the ACCP Methodology
Berghof Foundation. (March 2012). external page Berghof glossary on conflict transformation: 20 notions for theory and practice.
Fisher, S., Ludin, J., Smith, R., Williams, S., Williams, S., & Ibrahim Abdi, D. (2000). Working with conflict: Skills and strategies for action. Zed Books.
Frazer, O., & Gettas, L. (Eds.). (2003). Conflict transformation in practice. Designing a mediation process: The ACCP Model, based on presentations by Julian Th. Hottinger (pp. 8-10). Center for Security Studies ETH Zurich.
Frazer, O., & Owen, M. (2018). Religion in conflict and peacebuilding: Analysis guide. USIP Press.
Hoffman, B. Course manual for learning module II – Mediation. Canadian International Institute of Applied Negotiation.
Hoffman, B. (2007). The peace guerrilla handbook. NewMathforHumanity.
International Alert. (2003). Conflict-sensitive approaches to development, humanitarian assistance and peace building: Tools for peace and conflict impact assessment. Chapter 2: Conflict Analysis. International Alert.
Levinger, M. (2013). Conflict analysis: Understanding causes, unlocking solutions. USIP.
Levy, J. S. (2001). Theories of interstate and intrastate war: A levels-of-analysis approach. In C. A. Crocker, F. O. Hampson, & P. Aall (Eds.), Turbulent peace: The challenges of managing international conflict (pp. 3-27). United States Institute of Peace Press.
Mason, S. A., & Rychard, S. (2005). Conflict analysis tools. CDC and COPRET, Bern.
Moore, C. W. (2014). The mediation process: Practical strategies for resolving conflict. (4th ed.). Jossey-Bass Wiley.
Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T., & Miall, H. (2016). Contemporary conflict resolution. (4th ed.). Polity.
Saferworld. (2016). external page Gender analysis of conflict. Saferworld Training Materials/Toolkits.